4 Signs You May Require an Emergency Apicoectomy

You might not have heard of an apicoectomy, but it's something you may need in the future. This dental procedure involves removing the tip of a tooth's root to leave a cavity. That cavity is then filled with a root-end filling material. This is usually performed after a root canal has failed, especially when an infection develops, and it aims to save the dying tooth while removing any infections or decay from the root canal system.

In many cases, a dentist will be able to tell that you require an apicoectomy before you are aware of any problems. However, apicoectomies sometimes require the attention of an emergency dentist when the issue has been allowed to develop, and it's best not to delay since infections can spread if the problem is left untreated.

With that in mind, here are just four common signs you require an apicoectomy as soon as possible.

1. Pain

Pain is often the first sign that an infection has developed in the tooth root or pulp, and this pain is typically quite severe. In fact, it may spread from the affected tooth to cause pain in your jaw, ear, or neck – in some cases, it may even cause severe migraines.

This pain will get worse instead of better since infected pulps cannot heal on their own. As such, severe pain should prompt you to seek medical assistance without delay.

2. Sensitivity

Some patients will experience extreme sensitivity before they actually start experiencing pain. As with normal dental sensitivity, discomfort will generally be felt when you eat or drink anything hot or cold. However, tooth sensitivity that has been caused by an infected pulp will usually be much more intense than normal sensitivity and last considerably longer.

3. Tooth Discoloration

Your teeth can be discoloured by anything from coffee to smoking, or it can simply be a result of poor oral health. However, staining usually happens gradually. If you notice relatively sudden discolouration in only one tooth, it's a sign that the infection is spreading down through the tooth into the gums and jawbone. When you notice such rapid discolouration, it's likely you'll require an apicoectomy.

4. Swollen Gums

By the time you require an apicoectomy without delay, the gums around the affected tooth will probably have swelled noticeably. At first, a small bump that resembles a boil or pimple may develop as pus collects. The longer the infection goes untreated, the more painful and swollen that bump will become. You may also notice that your gums appear redder. Such issues indicate the need for an apicoectomy or other type of endodontic surgery.  

About Me

Dentistry Tips That Do a World of Good

My name's Alberto, and I'm an avid globetrotter. I've picked up so many great tips and tricks from my years of travelling. Surprisingly, some of the most useful advice I've received from natives and tourists around the world is about dental care! I'd love to share this oral health wisdom with as many people as possible, so I've started this blog on teeth tips to show you what I've learned. I'll be posting advice on all sorts of dental issues that will help you keep your teeth healthy no matter what culture you're from. I hope the guidance in my posts will keep a bright, white smile on your face wherever you are in the world.



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