An Overview Of 3 Types Of Dental Implants

Implants are an increasingly popular choice for those who want to replace missing teeth and regain confidence in their smile. Unlike dentures, they are fixed in place and can be used for any type of tooth loss. You can have a single tooth implant or a full set of implants and the porcelain teeth will be matched to the colour of any remaining natural teeth you have. Read on to find out about the three main types of dental implants.


Endosteal implants are suitable for most people, which makes them a popular choice. The main requirement is the patient must have a healthy jawbone. This is due to these implants consisting of a titanium placeholder post that is inserted through the sum and into the jaw. The jawbone needs to fuse with the titanium post, so it needs to be healthy and intact. The replacement tooth is then fitted onto the post, leaving you with a strong implant that can withstand eating the hardest of foods.


Subperiosteal implants utilise a titanium post in the same way endosteal implants do, but the posts do not need to fuse with the jawbone. They are designed to be placed in the gum and sit on top of the jawbone. In order to ensure the post remains fixed within the gum, it is attached to a small metal frame. The gum tissue heals around the metal frame, which secures the implant in place. This type of implant may be the best choice for you if you don't like the idea of your jawbone fusing with the titanium post, or if your jawbone isn't healthy enough to have an endosteal implant fitted.


Zygomatic implants tend to only be recommended when the jawbone or gums aren't healthy enough for either of the previously mentioned implant types. This type of implant is a little more complicated and involves the placement of extra-long implant posts into your cheekbone, known as the zygomatic arch. The posts need to pass through your maxillary sinus cavities, so there are some additional risks, such as sinusitis, to take into consideration and discuss with your dentist. The zygomatic arch is strong and the titanium posts will fuse with the bone here in the same way they would fuse with your jawbone if you were having endosteal implants fitted.

Implants are considered safe and low-risk, but you should always discuss the potential complications with your dentist before deciding to replace missing teeth with implants.  

For more information, contact a local cosmetic dentistry office. 


About Me

Dentistry Tips That Do a World of Good

My name's Alberto, and I'm an avid globetrotter. I've picked up so many great tips and tricks from my years of travelling. Surprisingly, some of the most useful advice I've received from natives and tourists around the world is about dental care! I'd love to share this oral health wisdom with as many people as possible, so I've started this blog on teeth tips to show you what I've learned. I'll be posting advice on all sorts of dental issues that will help you keep your teeth healthy no matter what culture you're from. I hope the guidance in my posts will keep a bright, white smile on your face wherever you are in the world.



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