How to Deal With a Broken Tooth

A fractured bone, cut nail or cut hair can grow back. An injury on the skin can also heal with no significant mark left. Unfortunately, when you reach a certain age, you can't grow back a missing or broken tooth. That is why the teeth should be given special care far more than anything else. Like the eye, you can't have the original back once it is damaged. Everyone hopes to keep his teeth intact for as long as they're alive.

However, accidents do happen, and you can end up with broken teeth. The following are ways you can deal with broken teeth or tooth.

Tooth Removal

If the tooth fracture is severe enough that it extends to the gum-line, the only way out is to remove the teeth to relief you from endless, throbbing headache. A dentist will carry out the tooth extraction surgery once the affected area has been numbed.

Root Canal Procedure

It may happen that the fracture is not that extensive. It has only reached into the pulp. In this case, the dentist may recommend filling to repair the chipped tooth. This can stop the breakage from expanding further. This is especially if it is not a front tooth.


This is for the broken front teeth that can be seen when you laugh, smile or cry. It is not severely damaged, but at the same time, it alters your appearance and lowers your self-esteem. You may have the warmest of smiles that bewitches whoever is before you until he or she sees the rugged, broken tooth peeping.

A composite resin matched to the shape and color of the rest of your natural teeth is used in this instance to cover the front surface of the broken tooth in a procedure called bonding. The composite resin is medically known as a dental veneer. It is a painless procedure most of the time. Before the dental enamel is removed, the surrounding area is sprayed with a numbing substance. But if the amount of coating to be removed is tiny, no benumbing is necessary. You won't feel any pain.

Once done, the dental veneer can last for ten years if you are careful with it. Do not usually use excessive chewing or biting.  Avoid hard foods if necessary or use the molars to clamp. The bonding is permanent and irreversible. If you damage the veneer, it can't be repaired.

Dental veneers are hard to break because they are generally made from strong porcelain that makes them as firm as any natural tooth, but don't go about biting hard things like a spoon to prove to yourself that your veneer is strong. That can break it, causing you more complications.

Note that veneers are placed to cover stained or broken teeth that you may want to be concealed from the public eye. They are not replacements for missing teeth. Plus, avoid fights; you can end up with a tooth-wrecking punch.

About Me

Dentistry Tips That Do a World of Good

My name's Alberto, and I'm an avid globetrotter. I've picked up so many great tips and tricks from my years of travelling. Surprisingly, some of the most useful advice I've received from natives and tourists around the world is about dental care! I'd love to share this oral health wisdom with as many people as possible, so I've started this blog on teeth tips to show you what I've learned. I'll be posting advice on all sorts of dental issues that will help you keep your teeth healthy no matter what culture you're from. I hope the guidance in my posts will keep a bright, white smile on your face wherever you are in the world.



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